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Sale of your used adjustable electric bed

Sale of used, unwanted adjustable electric orthopaedic bed.
Do you wish to achieve the sale of your adjustable electric nursing bed? Through this site you should be able to make the sale your second hand adjustable electric bed. This site is the ideal forum to bring together people whose aim is the sale of or buy used adjustable electric beds.

The sale of your unwanted used or new adjustable electric bed.
You may recently have suffered a bereavement or a relative may have moved into residential care. For whatever reason, you may be interested in the sale of an adjustable electric bed to save space in your home and release some cash that can be put to a better use.

A second hand adjustable electric bed dealer will offer you a knock down price for your bed and then probably sell it for twice that price.

Using The Mobility Market allows you to cut out the dealers. We put people who have a real need in touch with others who wish to sell mobility aids.

There are many specifications of adjustable beds, such as profiling beds and pocket sprung variable speed beds with integral massage system.

Benefits of an adjustable electric orthopaedic bed:-
An adjustable electric orthopaedic bed can help you with many problems. Sleeping with head raised helps alleviate snoring and keeps stomach acids down if suffering from acid reflux disease. Sleeping with feet raised can help to relieve back pain, muscle aches, swelling, and poor circulation. Raising both head and feet can create a more comfortable sleeping position.

Adjustable electric orthopaedic beds enable you to sleep in all these positions, in many combinations as the mattress adjusts to your body contours. Flat mattresses do not have this ability, which is why we change positions to be comfortable, but disrupt our sleep.

Adjustable electric orthopaedic beds are ideal for people suffering from asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, arthritis, rheumatism, MS, back pain, circulation problems and many other conditions.

Some adjustable electric beds come with built-in massage and heat options. These can provide either a vigorous full-body massage, or a light and relaxing one to lull you to sleep. All of these adjustable-bed characteristics work together to help relaxing and refreshing sleep.

Profiling adjustable electric beds.
A profiling adjustable bed allows you to sit up in bed or raise your legs at a touch of a button. Each section can be positioned independently to enable you to find your perfect position to achieve comfort, relaxation and a great nights sleep.

Sales and buyers of electric adjustable orthopaedic beds in Liverpool Edinburgh, Suffolk, Norfolk, Sheffield, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Devon, Cornwall, Wiltshire, Essex, Sussex, Kent, Newcastle, Tyneside, London, Ireland, Scotland, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Leeds.




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